Electricity Features & Benefits​
Engie provide an uplift up to 1p/kWh for acquisitions and renewals
Can sell up to 365 days in advance
If submitting a Renewal sale, termination will need to be logged first, before the contract is submitted
Minimum start date for Acquisitions is 5 working days ahead of submission date
Prices in the electricity matrix are fully fixed and include fixed CfD FiT and fixed Capacity Market Costs to the end of the curve.
Gas Features & Benefits
Excellent earning potential with up to 3p/kWh uplift for acquisitions and renewals up to 1 GWh
Engie provide an uplift up to 1p/kWh for acquisitions and renewals over 1 GWh
Charities are capped at a maximum of 1.5p/kWh uplift
Can sell up to 365 days in advance
If submitting a Renewal sale, termination will need to be logged first, before the contract is submitted
Engie support IGT and Shipperless meters
Minimum start date for Acquisitions is 15 working days ahead of submission date
Renewal Cycle
A letter is sent to the customer 13 weeks before the contract ends
All outstanding debts will need to be settled before a renewal is accepted
Terminations are accepted up to 9 weeks before contract ends
In Engie’s terms and conditions it states they will auto-terminate and send a reminder letter