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About CNG

Established in 1994 following the deregulation of the UK gas industry, CNG pride themselves on Excellent Customer Services and is enjoying an ever growing portfolio of satisfied commercial customers

Features & Benefits

  • No Standing Charge – All CNG SME products are offered on a No Standing Charge basis (as long as the site is consuming gas).

  • Maximum 1.5p/kwh uplift available on acquisitions and renewals

  • CNG will provide flexible billing options for larger gas customers.

  • Sensible Credit Policy, where each customer is assessed on their individual circumstances.

  • AMR Available Free of Charge on Multi Site Tenders (subject to availability)

  • CNG offer 1,2 and 3 year terms

  • CNG will pay the original Commission to the original Broker if a COT occurs and the customer agrees a contract direct.

  • CNG will include the original commission if a COT occurs but the customer goes on OOC rates.

  • CNG will not pay commission to the original Broker if another Broker COT's the site and agrees a contract.

  • CNG will accepts pubs and takeaways

  • All renewals require an LOA

  • Verbal LOA's accepted

  • Verbal Level 2 LOA's are not accepted

  • DocuSign LOA's accepted

  • DocuSign accepted

  • IGT can be quoted through bespoke

  • LOA's are required to be Letter Headed - If the customer is a limited company they are required to have the company letter head. If they are a sole trader they can have either the company letter head or the broker letter head.

Renewal Cycle

CNG will accept a renewal contract up to 365 days prior to the current contract end date for 1 and 2 year terms. CNG will  accept a renewal for up to 3 years if quoting up to 90 days before the end date. A high AQ contract can be priced 90 days before renewal for 1 year. If a renewal contract is not received by 30 days before the contract end date and no termination has been logged the customer will roll onto a 12 month contract which can be overridden with a 2 year deal.

All Renewals require a Letter Headed LOA 


Termination can be logged at any point from the contract start date up until 30 days before the contract end date, if termination is not provided within 30 days of the contract end date CNG will auto renew the customer for 12 months.​

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